Friday, February 29, 2008

Not My First Time-- But it's Still Special!

Hello and welcome to my blogspot. I've been blogging in obscurity over at xanga for longer than I'd like to admit, but for many moons now I've fantasized about getting a blogger profile (yeah, that's a pretty weird fantasy). A few days ago I had a dream that I started a blog called "them apples," but unfortunately that name was taken by somebody who doesn't actually appear to blog.

I told myself that if I every got a blog on here that I would dedicate it to something specific so that I wouldn't feel like I was cheating on my other blog (blog whore!). I haven't thought of that specific thing yet. I write about my dreams in private posts on Xanga, but maybe I'll write them here now. Ooh, I love that my blog is being saved automatically every time I stop typing. I'm in the lap of luxury now!

I look forward to continuing to blog for niche audiences (two unread blogs at once...can you guess that I'm an aspiring writer?). Hi mom!

And no, I don't like applesauce* or practice sorcery. I am saucy, though!

*except on latkes

So while you're waiting for me to actually say something relevant, go visit Jezebel, Defamer, PostSecret, Overheard in NY, I Found Your Camera, or Stuff White People Like. They're all saying and doing clever clever things.

Why didn't I think of that?

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